Wednesday, August 21, 2019
This computerized world Essay Example for Free
This computerized world Essay Now, in our society all over the world technology is the most important advancement, a necessity in bringing about progress as we move along in this computerized world. These changes in effectmake manââ¬â¢s life easier and more convenient. The relationship between the library and computer is constantly changing that the use of computer contributes to the way man learns and communicates. It easy in this world to strive for changes and since library is no different from any firm and institution, considering the use of computer to perform a given task will be efficient. The fast phased of technology attributed a lot to the improvementof the library system. Technology enabled software developers to computerize the librarysystem. The automated library system helped the academe greatly. Library, transactionsand queries can be created in a single click. Traditionally, library systems are implemented manually. Forms are given to librarian and they fill them of using pens. Computerized library system identifies the modern process of technology, on how it works quickly for the students and librarian. Pagadian Capitol College, base on the library system, the librarian and the library users still use the manual way of transacting of borrowing and returning of books. In the system we are going to make the manual library system into automated and computerized one. The manual library system is very costly, time consuming and tedious. Hence, computerized library system, the librarian can easily find the books of the student that they are looking for without going through the traditional way of searching a library material. And for the students, it can lessen the time and effort needed by them of the library. The implementation of the system will reduce the time and effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of records. The system can also help in reducing the expenses of the library such as papers, folders, pens and other materials needed in their current system. The objective of the study was to develop a computerized library system that will store the studentââ¬â¢s basic information, books record, list of borrowers, returned books, borrowed books, and prescription of the librarian. The study was about the Computerized Library System for the BotolanCommunity College. The implementation of the system will reduce the time and effort of the users in terms of adding, editing, searching, deleting and printing of records. Thesystem can also help in reducing the expenses of the library such as papers, folders, pensand other materials needed in their current system. The system is LAN-based that enablesthe librarian to share the records of the student such as the borrowing books, returningbooks, search books, and prescriptions of the librarian. The studentââ¬â¢s personal information/data may be stored upon the request of authorized librarian. The assignedlibrarians are the only one who can share any of the records/data of the students. Thesystem is not capable of sharing its data from other databases. The system will bedeveloped using the Microsoft Visual Basic 6. 0. This study will be beneficial to the following: BCC Students . Through a computerized library system, they can easily find the booksthat they are looking for without going through the traditional way of searching a librarymaterial. Convenience is more visible for it is not time-consuming, resulting to a numberof accomplished works. Librarian. The computerized library system would improve the monitoring capacitiesof those who maintain the library. It would be easier to determine whether a particularbook is on-shelf or not. In addition, they can easily identify when will the borrowedmaterial be returned and if a borrower has failed to return the book on its due date. Furthermore, the librarian would be much guided when it comes to recognizing newinventory books, letting them arrange it promptly and accordingly. Related Literature Foreign According to Robson (2001), usability is a key requirement for users, says Elisabeth Robson, Product manager for Online Computer Library Center. The cataloguehas become a way to pull together disparate resources, including commercial resourcesand web links. management systems also allow circulation, including check in/check outand enable libraries to purchase materials and track where they are. According to Chad (2009), consulting is at a major point of change in the wider information economy within which library systems form part of a larger whole. He waswriting in a briefing paper about the study in library management systems. This studyexamined the systems used in higher-education libraries across the UK and came up withsome significant observations and recommendations. It noted that the LMS market in UKhigher education is already mature and that four main vendors (ExLibris, Innovative,SirsiDynix and Talis) have almost 90 percent of the market. This market maturity means,according to the study authors, that the benefits to libraries of changing LMS provider arelimited. Library users expect to find everything together says Stephen Abram, vicepresident for innovation at SirsiDynix, the leading provider of software solutions andassociated services for libraries. According to her traditionally, the library managementsystem or integrated library system (ILS) was responsible for running libraries efficientlyand effectively. Over the last few years, the role of the ILS has been expanding frommeeting library needs to delivering user experience. Localà According to Eden (2011), views that most libraries are forced to work with fewerstaff because of the having a more improved and modernized system for their library. According also to the study, the library administration need to emphasize to their staff that the organization has a vested interest in providing them with the tools and trainingthey need to assist the organization in the new information marketplace. These mayinclude search engines, circulation systems, and the online public access catalog. According to Lopez (2002), University of the Philippines Mindanao when UP inMindanao accepted its first batch of students in 1996, the Main Library collection wasintegrated with the core collection of the School of Management (SOM) Library at the Stanfilco Bldg. , Ladislawa Avenue, Buhangin, Davao City. The Filipiniana and GeneralReferences were housed together with the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS) collectionin Room 2 of the Philippine Coconut Authority. In the Second Semester AY 1996-1997,the CAS Library moved to its main campus in Bago Oshiro. Upon the recognition of UPin Mindanao by the Board of Regents (BOR) as a constituent unit (CU) of the UPSystem, the CAS was split into two (2), namely: College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSS) and the College of Science and Mathematics (CSM). The Main Librarytransferred to the newly renovated building where the main collection was set-up besidethe books of the CHSS and the CSM. In July 2002, the library established the LibraryEducational Media and Information Technology Office (LEMITO). The LEMITOhandles the audio-visual services, internet and the connectivity of the library. It currentlyholds office at the Elias B. Lopez Hall Dormitory. Later, the Main Library collectionwhich grew from 100 titles to 6,191 volumes at the end of May 2004, and was transferredto the Administration Bldg today, the Main Library occupies the former UP in MindanaoCultural Center (UPMCC) building. Related Studies Foreign According to Charuasia (2010), connotes the term library with use of automaticdata processing machines to perform routine library activities. It implies a high degree of mechanization of various routine and repetitive tasks operations and processes are leftto be performed by human beings. The study stresses library automation as theapplication of computers and utilization of computer based products and services in theperformance of different operations and functions or in the provision of various servicesand output products. In addition to computer advancement, telecommunication andaudio-visual technologies gives away to new possibilities in information processing. According to Back Bailey (2010), explored the design space of mash-uptechniques for the faultless inclusion of information from Web services into websites. They considered the cases where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is either the target of such addition or the basis of the information being included. They focused on client-side techniques in which each userââ¬â¢s browser contacts Web services directly because this approach lends itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgets allowthe integration and customization of Web services without requiring programming. Theyalso described in detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries and Webservices we built. Although the specific requirements for (2010), explored the designspace of mash-up techniques for the faultless inclusion of information from Web servicesinto websites. They considered the cases where an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC)is either the target of such addition or the basis of the information being included. Theyfocused on client-side techniques in which each userââ¬â¢s browser contacts Web services directly because this approach lends itself to the creation of HTML widgets. The widgetsallow the integration and customization of Web services without requiring programming. They also described in detail the functionality and use of several widget libraries andWeb services we built. Although the specific requirements for 13each system differbecause of their respective nature, all systems are designed to be deployable withminimum effort and resource requirements. This low entry cost, combined with theprovision of a high-level, non-programming interface, constitute two vital preconditionfor the broad adoption of techniques in libraries, which in turn has the potential to vastlyincrease the reach and visibility of their electronic resources in the wider community. Local According to Lou (1986), a survey on the computer application in 223 libraries inMetro Manila. The study revealed that they prioritize the three library functions to be computerized as cataloging, indexing, and circulation. However, the plans for automationfor the libraries cannot be implemented due to financial incapability of the libraries, andthe lack of funds from the government. Despite of this drawback, the libraries are notturning their backs unto the automation of their libraries. According to Agena (2008) made a study about the collection usage of thestudents of the Jose Rizal University in a period of three years using the quantitative andqualitative approach. The goal of the study is to assess the usefulness of the faculty of students to their library and it been revealed that it is generally important for them to goto the library for their academic needs. - Beijing Foreign Studies University Library Library temporarily by the Chinese branch, foreign language books, periodicals reading room and library office. Collection of literature covering Britain, France, Russia, Germany, the West, Japan, Arab and other 49 languages, literature more than 110 million copies total, 28 million copies of e-books, 1179 kinds of Chinese and foreign periodicals, nearly 11,000 of a variety of audiovisual materials , and foreign language electronic journal of nearly 26,000 species in 47 foreign language database, Own Special Database 4, the initial formation of the characteristics of language, literature, culture, primary data collection. In recent years, with the development of my subject construction, legal, diplomatic, economic, news and management literature also increased steadily. The library is located eight business and service sectors, a total of 53 staff, including Associate Research Librarian, Librarian 39. Libraries advanced ALEPH500 automated library management system to achieve the cataloging and retrieval of the museum and part of the Department of multilingual literature. Museum and National Library, as well as Peking University, the National Peoples Congress and other 40 University Library in Beijing and Shanghai Library interlibrary loan business, and the original delivery services provide CASHL and BALIS of foreign periodicals. In order to facilitate school teachers and students in off-campus access to library resources, the museum specially opened VPN remote access system. The overall goal of building 12 during the Beijing Foreign Studies University Library: the progressive realization of the collection features of the service information, specialization, and scientific management through active participation in the college literature resources to build a sharing system, and strive to build for the final documents of the domestic foreign language teaching and research support base and information service center, into a resource-rich, and diverse service, open and harmonious, the reader satisfied with international first-class research library.
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